Board Of Directors


Kentaro lee
Founder & Executive Director

Kentaro Lee, is focused on the intersection between finance and healthcare. Finding new ways to bridge the massive gap of healthcare access in America. Kentaro has extensive experience in the healthcare sector as an executive & EMT for his local ambulance Corp, volunteer for the American Heart Association, and local head of fundraising for the American Red Cross.

Kentaro's LinkedIn

Samuel McNeill

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”

The co-founder of the foundation, Samuel McNeil always knew he wanted, no he needed to do good. Through Lime, he hopes to inspire the next generation, carrying on the torch given by those before him.

Samuel's LinkedIn

Dylan Kim
TRustee & Branch manager

Dylan Kim is a Sophomore at Vanderbilt University, as the co-founder of a previous nonprofit, he wishes to use his experience to guide Lime to its highest potential.

Dylan's LinkedIn

Gloria Kalisch
Co-founder & Trustee

EMT, 911 dispatcher, and EMT instructor. Gloria Kalisch is no stranger to the world of EMS. She has seen first hand the dwindling supply of EMTs and the strain it has caused on the world of healthcare.

Regional Leadership

Aidan Kim
Fundraising Director

DEan suh
Vice President, Head of recruitment

Chae Lee
Finance director

Branch Directors

Ryan Lee
Branch Director (Mountain Lakes, NJ)

Dylan Kim
Branch Director (Nashville, TN)